South Australia’s #1 smoke alarm compliance partner for landlords
Providing professional, affordable compliance solutions from only $119 per year.

Rapidly rising interest rates coupled with government pressure to limit rent increases has put landlords in Australia under immense pressure.
You’re likely facing increased costs, stricter regulations and rising tenant expectations that all challenge the return you’re getting from your investment in property.
Our industry-leading services allow you to affordably meet your legal duties, mitigate the risks of non-compliance and protect your tenants and property investment. We do all the heavy-lifting, saving you time and stress.
In short, we give you one less thing to worry about when it comes to managing your investment property.
Online Quote & BookingOur Platinum Subscription covers smoke alarm inspections at your property within a year as per legislative requirements, as well as the free installation and replacement of smoke alarms required for compliance.
Smoke alarms will only be installed or replaced if required for compliance. This subscription complies properties with current state and federal legislative requirements only.
*Eligibility and full terms & conditions can be found here.
If there are sounding alarms in your property, tenants can simply call us at any time and our team will troubleshoot the issue.
Our Pre-Sale Inspection Service ensures the smoke alarms in your property meet relevant Australian Standards prior to sale.