Standard Operating Procedures for Smoke Alarm Solutions

Purpose: To outline the standard operating procedures for Smoke Alarm Solutions
Scope: This policy applies to service tasks carried out by Call Center Staff and Field Technicians

Procedure 1 – Property Enrolments

  1. Upon receiving an enrolment form from a managing agent or property owner the property and/or client will be entered into our internal system and the first inspection is scheduled
  2. SAS will schedule the work order in a timely manner and issue an entry notice to the managing agent and tenant, or contact the tenant directly to schedule an appointment
  3. If an entry notice is issued, SAS will email a key request to the managing agent 24 hours prior to the scheduled date
  4. Our Technician will attend the property and complete the required works. The work order is then closed, and the Compliance/Safety Report is emailed to the managing agent or property owner
  5. The first invoice is then emailed to the managing agent or property owner and the chosen subscription commences

Procedure 2 – Annual Work Orders

Smoke Alarm Billing Option 1 (BO1)

  1. The subscription invoice will be generated on the 11-month subscription anniversary
  2. The work order for the annual inspection is automatically created 11 months after last attendance date (if client opts to have annual inspections)
  3. SAS will schedule the work order in a timely manner and issue an entry notice to the managing agent and tenant, or contact the tenant directly to schedule an appointment
  4. If an entry notice is issued, SAS will email a key request to the managing agent 24 hours prior to the scheduled date
  5. Our Technician will attend the property and complete the required works.
  6. The work order is then closed, and the Compliance/Safety Report is emailed to the managing agent or property owner

Smoke Alarm Billing Option 2 (BO2)

  1. 60 – 90 days prior to a property’s subscription anniversary the managing agent will be emailed to confirm the continuation of an annual subscription
  2. SAS will schedule the work order in a timely manner and issue an entry notice to the managing agent and tenant, or contact the tenant directly to schedule an appointment
  3. If an entry notice is issued, SAS will email a key request to the managing agent 24 hours prior to the scheduled date
  4. Our Technician will attend the property and complete the required works.
  5. The work order is then closed, and the Compliance/Safety Report is emailed to the managing agent or property owner
  6. The first invoice is then emailed to the managing agent or property owner and the chosen subscription commences.

Procedure 3 – Service Work Orders

  1. SAS will schedule the work orders in a timely manner once received via email, portal, phone call or website booking, and issue an entry notice to the managing agent and tenant, or contact the tenant directly to schedule an appointment. More than one work order may be required depending on package.
  2. If an entry notice is issued, SAS will email a key request to the managing agent 24 hours prior to the scheduled date
  3. Our Technician will carry out the required service/inspection
  4. The work order is then closed, and the Compliance/Safety Report is emailed to the managing agent or property owner

Procedure 4 – Water Meter Reading

  1. A water meter reading is only offered with certain packages and can only be done in conjunction with a smoke alarm service
  2. Our Technician will locate the water meter and record the reading (both standard and recycled)
  3. If the Technician is unable to locate the water meter this will be noted on the Compliance Report
  4. The results will be noted on the Compliance Report that will be emailed to the managing agent or property owner

Procedure 5 – Corded Window Furnishings

  1. A corded window furnishings assessment is only offered with certain packages and can only be completed in conjunction with a smoke alarm service
  2. Our Technician will ensure there is working, and compliant tensioning devices fitted on all corded window furnishings where it is deemed required under the mandatory legislation. Estimated time of service is approximately 45 minutes
  3. The results will be noted on the Compliance Report that will be emailed to the managing agent or property owner

Procedure 6 – Safety Switch Function Test

  1. A Safety Switch Function Test is only offered with certain packages and can only be completed in conjunction with a smoke alarm service
  2. Our Technician will locate the safety switch and perform a function test
  3. If the Technician is unable to locate the safety switch this will be noted on the Compliance Report
  4. If the safety switch fails we will contact the agent the same day
  5. The results will be noted on the Compliance Report that will be emailed to the managing agent or property owner

Procedure 7 – 24/7 Smoke Alarm Service

  1. The 24/7 emergency after-hours service is a complimentary smoke alarm service available to certain clients on certain packages
  2. The SAS after-hours team receives a phone call from the tenant or managing agent outside of our normal operating hours to report an alarm issue
  3. Our after-hours team will contact the tenant and attempt to assist the tenant in disarming the alarm if safe to do so
  4. If the tenant is unable to disarm the alarm safely then our technician will attend the property and rectify the alarm issue on the following business day. 
  5. The work order is then closed, and the Compliance Report is emailed to the managing agent or property owner
  6. If the property is not on an eligible service package an invoice will be emailed to the managing agent or property owner

Procedure 8 – Package Change

Client Requested Package Change

  1. Upon receiving an email or phone call from the managing agent or property owner requesting to change the package a property is enrolled in, SAS will, in a timely manner, investigate the eligibility for the package change
  2. If the package change is eligible, the property package will be amended in our system and a work order will be generated if requested
  3. SAS will email the managing agent or property owner a pro-rated invoice for the new package and the new service subscription commences

Automatic Package Change

  1. If SAS attend a property with smoke alarms that could be interconnected (whether interconnected or not) in some, or all, of the bedrooms and the property is enrolled in any package other than the Ultimate package, an automatic package change will be applied
  2. The property package will be amended in our system and SAS will email the managing agent or property owner a pro-rated invoice for the new package and the new service subscription commences

Automatic Package Change Home Safe Solutions

  1. Unless a workorder states the specific Home Safe Solutions Package that is applicable for the property, we will defer the subscription to the Home Safe Solutions 2+ Gas Appliance Package
  2. If HSS attend a property which is outside of the 2+ gas appliances package, HSS will automatically change the package to reflect the gas appliances at the property.
  3. The property package will be amended in our system and SAS will email the managing agent or property owner a pro-rated invoice for the new package and the new service subscription commences.

Procedure 9 – Two Technician Safety Requirement

To ensure the safety of field staff, clients and tenants’ property, we may require two technicians to be present when attending a property. This incurs an additional cost, per inspection of $129. The requirement for two technicians will be dependent on a risk assessment of the site.

The reasons for the two-technician safety requirement includes but is not limited to.

  • The use of a ladder where ceilings are higher than 10m, including raked or cathedral style ceilings
  • Where a building provides limitations of access
  • Where, as directed by a client, two technicians are required to attend
  1. If it is noted on a work order that two technicians are required to attend a property SAS will ensure two technicians are assigned and charge accordingly.
  2. If previous inspection records indicate two technicians are required, SAS will schedule a two-technician inspection for every attendance.
  3. If on arrival at a property the technician deems it unsafe to complete the works without a second technician, they will not complete the job and it will be rescheduled for a two-person inspection as soon as possible. The agent will be notified that the job will be rescheduled as a two-person inspection.
  4. On completion of all works requiring two technicians a fee of $129 will be applied to the invoice

Procedure 10 – Warranty Claim (SAS)

All materials and work conducted by Smoke Alarm Solutions (SAS) is covered under the SAS Warranty Policy.

SAS warrants all work against faulty workmanship for a period of twelve months. SAS warrants any materials supplied for 12 months or as per the manufacturer’s warranty, except for any manufacturer safety recalls.

All Gas work that is performed by Checkmate Compliance Management is warranted against faulty workmanship of a period of 12months. Checkmate warrants any materials supplied for 12months or as per the manufacturers warranty.

Current Subscription

  1. SAS is contacted by the tenant or Property Manager via our contact center, either via phone call or email.
  2. SAS will triage the situation to minimize any impact to the tenant and schedule a technician to attend at the earliest timeframe.
  3. The technician will find the fault and replace the faulty product at no expense.

Lapsed Subscriptions (within 12mths of initial install)

  1. SAS is contacted by the tenant or Property Manager via our contact center, either a phone call or email.
  2. SAS will triage the situation to minimize any impact to the tenant.
  3. SAS will schedule a once off service warranty callout providing this is within 12months of installation.
  4. The technician will find the fault and replace the faulty product at no expense.

Lapsed Subscriptions (after service warranty period)

  1. SAS is contacted by the tenant or Property Manager via our contact center, either a phone call or email.
  2. SAS will triage the situation to minimize any impact to the tenant.
  3. SAS will identify that the property does not have a current subscription and is after the service warranty period.
  4. SAS will refer the customer to their new service provider. For customers who do not have an annual service contract with any provider, we will refer them to the manufacturer under the normal warranty process for a product.

Warranty Claim (HSS)

Current Subscription

  1. SAS is contacted by the tenant or Property Manager via our contact center, either a phone call or email.
  2. SAS will triage the situation to minimize any impact to the tenant and schedule a technician to attend at the earliest timeframe.
  3. The technician will find the fault and replace the faulty material or workmanship at no expense.

Lapsed Subscriptions (within 12mths of initial install)

  1. SAS is contacted by the tenant or Property Manager via our contact center, either a phone call or email.
  2. SAS will triage the situation to minimize any impact to the tenant.
  3. SAS will schedule a once off service warranty callout providing this is within 12months of installation or workmanship.
  4. The technician will find the fault and replace the faulty material or workmanship at no expense.

Procedure 11Electrical Safety Inspections

  1. An electrical safety inspection is a service offered by SAS in certain areas whereby an electrical safety certificate is required for occupancy.
  2. SAS will schedule an electrical safety inspection work order in a timely manner once received via email, phone call or website booking.
  3. SAS will contact the managing agent and/or tenant directly to schedule an appointment.
  4. Our electrical safety inspections are conducted by one of our expertly trained and licensed electricians.
  5. The switchboard, electrical installation and appliances are inspected and tested to ensure they meet the relevant legislative requirements, and a detailed report is created. Estimated time of an electrical safety inspection is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.
  6. If the electrical installation meets requirements, then a certificate is issued via email to the managing agent or property owner. If requirements are not met, a non-compliant report, along with a quote, will be emailed to the managing agent or property owner.
  7. An invoice is then emailed to the managing agent or property owner.

Procedure 12 – Switchboard upgrade

  1. A Switchboard Upgrade is a service offered by SAS in certain areas whereby an upgrade to the Switchboard is required for occupancy.
  2. SAS will schedule a Switchboard Upgrade work order in a timely manner once received via email, phone call or website booking.
  3. SAS will contact the managing agent and/or tenant directly to schedule an appointment.
  4. Our Switchboard Upgrades are conducted by one of our expertly trained and licensed electricians.
  5. The Switchboard and its components are inspected, tested and replaced as required to ensure they meet the relevant legislative requirements. Estimated time of a Switchboard Upgrade is approximately 3 hours.
  6. An Inspector may be required to attend and issue a certificate if substantial works were conducted. Once the electrical installation meets requirements, then a certificate is issued via email to the managing agent or property owner. If requirements are not met, or are unable to be met, the details of additional works required will be emailed to the managing agent or property owner, along with a quote if required.
  7. An invoice is then emailed to the managing agent or property owner.